Skyglyph is a Finalist for the 2019 Global FinTech Hackcelerator

Victor Yermak

As you may be heard, The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has announced the 20 finalists for the Global FinTech Hackcelerator. And finalists pitched their solutions at the Global FinTech Hackcelerator Demo Day at the 2019 Singapore FinTech Festival x Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology (SFF x SWITCH). Skyglyph was selected as a finalist […]

Benefits of drones in precision agriculture

Victor Yermak

For crop insurers, using drones will for comprehensive crop damage assessments after severe weather events, minimizing payouts for fraudulent claims and reducing labor costs.”,- says “FACT SHEET: Quantifying the Benefits of Drones in Precision Agriculture” from Measure32. Our company proved on practice than insurance companies can save money and time in the process of regulation […]

We are constantly doing informing newsletter for those who are interested

Victor Yermak
